Day 1 - Hear His Voice

By Pastor Tim Escamilla

John 10:27 - ESV
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.

At the beginning of this dedication, I want to focus on the most important aspect of it: hearing His voice. These 21 days are intended for us to focus on His voice, hear His voice, and follow His leading! This will help you grow closer to Him, and be an even bigger blessing to those around you. Some time ago, the Lord impressed the word "increase" all over me. We shared it during ministry time and we even prayed together for increase. That time wasn't wasted nor was it forgotten. Something was planted and we're watching it grow.

The Lord is bringing increase to our relationships with Him; this increase happens as we hear His voice and follow Him! It is an increase in blessings, favor, wisdom, and authority, just to name a few. But it all starts with hearing His voice and following Him.

Pray this with me:
"Lord, I am Yours. I hear Your voice. I follow You. I declare that I will experience increase in 2024. I pray that dead dreams would come back to life! I pray strength and power to accomplish the missions You have for me in 2024. I pray financial blessings, raises, promotions, bonuses, debts paid off, bills reduced, and through it all, honor and praise would be given to You! Grow me in wisdom and favor with God. And please, help me to hear Your voice, and follow You. Amen."

1 Comment

Alicia - January 8th, 2024 at 11:02am

Someone challenged me yesterday with the question of how I would know if I’d gone deeper with the Lord?

My response was my heart’s cry. That anytime He wanted to talk about something I would know and stop to listen and respond.

The image of Darren walking into the room with something he wanted to share with me and how I would long to give him my focused attention hit me. That is the type of relationship I want with my Heavenly Husband.

Thanks Pastor Tim for this word of encouragement this morning.